This Is Why You Should Apply Egg Whites On Your Face !

Your face and your facial expression are the first impression you leave. Having a nice smile and teeth is as much important as having nice skin and moisturized face.

In the busy world of today, scheduling another appointment in your busy schedule, even if it’s for a face massage or a facial treatment, can be extra effort for you. So, the real relaxation comes at home, in front of the TV, watching shows while having a DIY facial treatment. At least I think so.

Applying egg whites can be an amazing facial treatment for you. You can leave them overnight as well, because they won’t do any harm to your bed sheets and pillow. Why?

Moisturize your dry skin
The proteins and amino acids in the egg whites along with the anti-microbial properties contained in the virgin coconut oil, and the vitamin C that the lemon contains, help in moisturizing your skin in multiple levels, deep down. Just make sure that you mix them properly, and keep on your face for 20-30 minutes, before rinsing it off your face with cold water.

Get rid of acne
The protein, amino acids tighten the pores of the skin and prevent acne to pup-out. They can also cure the old scars of acne. Just mix some gg whites with vitamin E and let it stay overnight. Repeat this treatment for 3 weeks and you will see remarkable results and differences.

Anti-wrinkle properties
Yes, egg whites can also prevent breakouts of wrinkles and tighten the pores, the similar effect they have with reducing acne scars. By applying egg whites on your face, you will also prevent the puffiness around your eyes!

Great for oily skin
Egg whites and lemon juice do the trick once more, but this time with adding honey. This is a great facial mask for oily skin, but this mask you have to wash away after 20 minutes, because we don’t want the honey to stick too long, right?

Forget about your facial hair
Egg whites, almond milk and rose water are the main ingredients for the facial mask that helps you get rid of your unwanted facial hair without the pain of removing it with wax.

Have you ever tried one of these amazing face masks? Were you glad to save on money and get amazing results? Tell us in the comments below. And if you have some extra recipes for skin care, using egg whites, feel free to share with the rest!

This Is Why You Should Apply Egg Whites On Your Face ! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: steevany elsi